Writing on software design, company building, and the aerospace industry.

All of my long-form thoughts on programming, leadership, product design, and more, collected in chronological order.



(Elad Gil)资本效率型企业

Elad Gil 是一位知名的创业者、投资人和战略顾问,长期活跃于硅谷的科技行业。 最著名的经历包括,是 Mixerlabs(被推特收购,并在收购后担任推特副总裁)和 Color Health 的创始人;Airbnb Coinbase 等知名公司的早期投资人及顾问。 如果你对如何在有限的资本环境下实现公司快速增长感兴趣,或者想了解更多关于风险投资和创业的经验,Elad 的这篇文章无疑能提供宝贵的启发。

Small Features, Big Impact: Google's Approach to Empowering the Visually Impaired

While most tech giants focus on flashy features for the masses, Google's I/O revealed a commitment to invisible innovations. They're crafting a future where technology doesn't just dazzle, but genuinely empowers — ensuring that when we reach for the stars, no one is left behind on Earth.